
Akota Sports


Akota Sports


Design Agency: Thinktiv
Designers: Sarah Castilleja, Judie Le, Kolby Duke
Photography: Justin Petro
Developers: Hunter Sinclair, Ramona Bellamy

The Akota Sports brand was designed to put the best Hockey and Lacrosse gear in the hands of motivated players at all levels. Being able to find affordable gear in any sport is a barrier that is often faced by coaches, and parents which in turn, keeps kids from what’s important; participating in their favorite sport. Our clients aimed to be a reliable manufacturer, and distributor of gear for a sport that is becoming more popular in Texas.

The accomplished goal of Akota Sports was to create a brand system, website, and social media presence that is dedicated to keeping kids in the game by providing affordable, yet stylish gear that is also easily and readily available to coaches and parents.
